Farming for Public Health

A statewide initiative to build more understanding among healthcare providers and public health professionals about agricultural strategies that solve for a pattern of soil health, clean water, biodiversity, conservation, healthy food, rural economic vitality - collectively, public health. 

Our observation is that medical and public health professionals have assumed that pesticides are just a normal part of agriculture, are unaware of the danger they pose to children and vulnerable populations, and generally do not realize that robust ecological alternatives can take away the need for the vast majority of pesticides used in agriculture.

Our vision is to see agricultural practices in Iowa reflect robust research that alternatives that protect public health. Our goal is to build more understanding among statewide healthcare providers and public health practitioners that sustainable alternatives exist.

What We Do

Support Field Days

Facilitate opportunities for peer-to-peer education of evidence-based farming practices that don’t impact productivity. Check out our upcoming field days and events!

Farmer presenting outside at a farmer field day

Raise Awareness

Make relevant research on how farming impacts public health visible to all Iowans.

Tractor spraying a crop field


Share stories from around Iowa of innovative farmers who protect public health.

Group of farmers learning during a farm field day

Support Field Days

Facilitate opportunities for peer-to-peer education of evidence-based farming practices that don’t impact productivity. Check out our upcoming field days and events!

Farmer presenting outside at a farmer field day

Raise Awareness

Make relevant research on how farming impacts public health visible to all Iowans.

Tractor spraying a crop field


Share stories from around Iowa of innovative farmers who protect public health.

Group of farmers learning during a farm field day
Group of people standing in a field

2024 Ceres Trust Final Report

Mobilizing Iowans and Iowa Organizations to Address Pesticides and Public Health in Iowa

Read our report to learn more about our work in 2024, including on-farm field days, conferences, our Pesticides and Public Health Working Group, and more!

The Environmental Health Program’s capacity, influence, and recognition has been built from the support of the Ceres Trust. We are exceedingly proud of the work that we have done in partnership with Ceres over the past six years.